About Rowen Forest

Rowen Forest is a partnership between life long friends, united by their interest in forest medicine and permaculture - an appreciation ignited by the spirit of Pacific Northwest forests. 

We believe our landscape is not a resource, it is a living community, of which we are members. It is our agreement to never take too much – that limits how much we can produce and sell. We will never put profit and production before the health of the land. 

We choose to put our products in packaging that is compostable, recyclable and reusable - we never use single-use plastics. 

Teaching the value of the forest is one of the best tools to help preserve it. The products we make serve a second goal which is to create an awareness of the value of biodiversity. Bringing awareness is one of the best ways to raise consciousness about the actual value the land has on our lives, so we in turn can work to bring health to the land. 


Nathaniel David Anderson

Sean Rowen Garmire